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The Joyful Reader
Unit 1: The Finnish Way
Welcome! (Start here.)
1.1 The Backstory (6:31)
1.2 The Finnish Way (13:52)
1.3 Joy in Finland's "Common Core" Curriculum
1.4 Five Ingredients of Joy (3:33)
1.5 The Daily Diet, the Quick Start Guide, and the 30-Day Plan (1:52)
1.6 The Materials for the Joyful Reader (0:33)
Unit 2: Phonemic Awareness
2.1 The Introduction to Unit 2 (Phonemic Awareness) (2:13)
2.2 The Finnish Philosophy of Early Reading Instruction (2:34)
2.3 Six Strategies for Cultivating Intrinsic Motivation in Young Readers (9:04)
2.4 Demonstration (Phonemic Awareness Activities) (11:41)
Unit 3: Phonics
3.1 The Introduction to Unit 3 (Phonics) (1:35)
3.2 Daily Routine 1 (Hale's Tale) (1:43)
3.3 Daily Routine 2 (Ella's Animal Adventures) (4:11)
3.4 Daily Routine 3 (The Letter of the Day) (2:24)
3.5 Daily Routine 4 (The Book of the Day) (1:12)
3.6 Using Free Decodable Texts (1:08)
3.7 The Letter Chart (2:03)
3.8 Finding a Reading Godparent (1:49)
3.9 Demonstration (Reading Accuracy Strategies)
3.10 The Typical Literacy Lesson in Finland (Grades 1-2) (6:07)
3.11 Q&A with Finnish Teacher Noora Rapinoja
Unit 4: Reading Comprehension
4.1 The Introduction to Unit 4 (Reading Comprehension) (3:43)
4.2 Reading Comprehension Strategies (GRASP) (4:26)
4.3 Demonstration (GRASP) (10:09)
4.4 Q&A with Finnish Teacher Rina Ronkainen
Unit 5: Vocabulary
5.1 The Introduction to Unit 5 (Vocabulary) (6:05)
5.2 Daily Routine 5 (The Word of the Day) (3:26)
Unit 6: Fluency
6.1 The Introduction to Unit 6 (Fluency) (5:16)
6.2 Demonstration (The APES of Fluency) (12:04)
6.3 Demonstration (Fluency Activities) (6:38)
6.4 Thanks! (1:00)
2.3 Six Strategies for Cultivating Intrinsic Motivation in Young Readers
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